
We have gained more than twenty years of experience with the Civil Courts. Moreover, over the last ten years we have specialized in administrative proceedings before the Italian Communication Authority.

In particular, we assist companies, banks and investment funds in passive and active litigation mainly related to telecommunications, banking and real estate.

We work on a constant and daily basis with the internal legal offices of the companies we assist, in order to prepare the information flows related to business relationships that may have a legal impact.

Recent work:
  • Assistance to an institution bank in a judgment brought by a banker on the question omnibus bonds.
  • Assistance to an institution bank in an appeal judgement on the issue of remittance solutory and restorative.
  • Assistance to an operator TLC in a lawsuit brought by a company for damages sustained by suspension telephone lines
  • Assistance to a real bottom Summer in court ex art 700 cpc to inhibit enforcement of the surety